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Chaplin en parade pour la promotion de THE KID

Bien que toutes les séquences que nous avons transférées soient un honneur pour nous, ici à FilmFix, c'est la séquence la plus précieuse que nous ayons jamais numérisée.

Elle est courte mais très intéressante, et elle prouve que chaque seconde de chaque bobine est surveillée, tandis que nous préservons les précieux souvenirs de nos clients.

Ces brefs moments ont été filmés sur une pellicule 8mm et montrent Charlie Chaplin faisant l'auto-promotion du film "The Kid" -- celui qui l'a propulsé sous les feux de la rampe et lui a valu une renommée internationale. Le défilé a eu lieu en Suisse, vers 1932. Nous supposons que c'est cette année-là, d'après la date inscrite à la main sur la boîte du film, même si le film est sorti en 1921. C'est ainsi qu'il a dû commencer à se faire aimer des Suisses, bien avant de s'y installer définitivement.

Apparemment, Charlie Chaplin était connu pour faire l'autopromotion de son film en se déguisant dans son emblématique costume de clochard et en participant à des défilés. Il semblerait que la parade comprenait d'autres personnages d'autres films, mais rien que je puisse reconnaître de manière définitive.

Dans ce clip, remarquez-vous comment M. Chaplin utilise un sifflet pour attirer l'attention sur lui ? Nous pensons que c'est une façon brillante d'attirer les regards sur lui !

Utilisation du clip avec le consentement écrit de Phil Hugly -- filmé par Lina Studer née Dubois. Tous droits réservés.

Charlie Chaplin Promoting "THE KID"

While all cherished footage that we have ever transferred is an honor to us, here at FilmFix, this is the most treasured footage we have ever digitized.

It's short but very sweet, and it proves that each second of every reel is being monitored, while we preserve our customers' precious memories.

These brief moments were shot on 8mm film and shows Charlie Chaplin self-promoting the movie "The Kid" -- the one which brought him into the limelight and International fame. The parade took place in Switzerland, circa 1932. We assume it was that year based on the date hand-written on the film canister, even though he released the film in 1921. This must have been how he started to endear himself to the Swiss people, long before he made his final move there to the US.

Apparently, Charlie Chaplin was know to self-promote his movie by "dressing up" in his iconic Tramp outfit then joining parades. Seemingly, the parade had other characters from other motion pictures but nothing that I could definitively recognize.

In this clip, do you notice how Mr. Chaplin is using a whistle in order to draw attention to himself? We think it's a brilliant way to draw eyes toward him!

To explore more about Charlie Chaplin and his Swiss connection, please visit this page.

Use of clip with expressed written consent from Phil Hugly --  filmed by Lina Studer nee Dubois. All Rights Reserved.

Les petits au secours (Film de 1938)

Un camion de pompiers classique tout en métal, en pleine poursuite - même au milieu des flocons de neige !

Voici un film 8mm noir et blanc vieux de 8 décennies avec tout son charme ... et même plus.

Nous utilisons cet échantillon de transfert de film de 8 mm avec le consentement écrit de Phil Hugly -- filmé par Lina Studer née Dubois. Tous droits réservés.

Charlie Chaplin Promoting "THE KID"

While all cherished footage that we have ever transferred is an honor to us, here at FilmFix, this is the most treasured footage we have ever digitized.

It's short but very sweet, and it proves that each second of every reel is being monitored, while we preserve our customers' precious memories.

These brief moments were shot on 8mm film and shows Charlie Chaplin self-promoting the movie "The Kid" -- the one which brought him into the limelight and International fame. The parade took place in Switzerland, circa 1932. We assume it was that year based on the date hand-written on the film canister, even though he released the film in 1921. This must have been how he started to endear himself to the Swiss people, long before he made his final move there to the US.

Apparently, Charlie Chaplin was know to self-promote his movie by "dressing up" in his iconic Tramp outfit then joining parades. Seemingly, the parade had other characters from other motion pictures but nothing that I could definitively recognize.

In this clip, do you notice how Mr. Chaplin is using a whistle in order to draw attention to himself? We think it's a brilliant way to draw eyes toward him!

To explore more about Charlie Chaplin and his Swiss connection, please visit this page.

Use of clip with expressed written consent from Phil Hugly --  filmed by Lina Studer nee Dubois. All Rights Reserved.

Regardez notre excellent transfert de film Super-8.

Moi, Nathaniel, j'ai beaucoup apprécié le transfert de cette collection particulière de mini-documentaires que la famille René a filmés pendant ses vacances internationales. Ces films précieux étaient très bien conservés et le travail de caméra était remarquable.

Nous utilisons cet échantillon de transfert de film de 8 mm avec l'aimable autorisation de Robert M Rene MD, avec son consentement écrit -- Tous droits réservés.

Charlie Chaplin Promoting "THE KID"

While all cherished footage that we have ever transferred is an honor to us, here at FilmFix, this is the most treasured footage we have ever digitized.

It's short but very sweet, and it proves that each second of every reel is being monitored, while we preserve our customers' precious memories.

These brief moments were shot on 8mm film and shows Charlie Chaplin self-promoting the movie "The Kid" -- the one which brought him into the limelight and International fame. The parade took place in Switzerland, circa 1932. We assume it was that year based on the date hand-written on the film canister, even though he released the film in 1921. This must have been how he started to endear himself to the Swiss people, long before he made his final move there to the US.

Apparently, Charlie Chaplin was know to self-promote his movie by "dressing up" in his iconic Tramp outfit then joining parades. Seemingly, the parade had other characters from other motion pictures but nothing that I could definitively recognize.

In this clip, do you notice how Mr. Chaplin is using a whistle in order to draw attention to himself? We think it's a brilliant way to draw eyes toward him!

To explore more about Charlie Chaplin and his Swiss connection, please visit this page.

Use of clip with expressed written consent from Phil Hugly --  filmed by Lina Studer nee Dubois. All Rights Reserved.

Test-Transfert Super-8 craquelé et décoloré

Maria a été ravie de ce que nous avons réalisé sur sa petite bobine de test-transfert de 3 pouces. Elle nous a donc permis d'en utiliser des parties amusantes sur notre site Web.

Le film Super-8 était parsemé de minuscules fissures dans l'émulsion. À l'origine, la multitude de fissures rendait le visionnage très agité.

Nous avons donc utilisé notre option supplémentaire d'amélioration de l'image, la réduction du grain, pour supprimer ces fissures du mieux que nous pouvions. Nous avons également restauré une partie de la décoloration au moyen de notre travail secondaire de correction des couleurs. Le film était devenu fortement magenta et avait perdu sa couche de couleur jaune. Le résultat : Le film a l'air plus naturel.


Le clip est une courtoisie de Maria Ikenberry, avec son consentement écrit -- Tous droits réservés.

Charlie Chaplin Promoting "THE KID"

While all cherished footage that we have ever transferred is an honor to us, here at FilmFix, this is the most treasured footage we have ever digitized.

It's short but very sweet, and it proves that each second of every reel is being monitored, while we preserve our customers' precious memories.

These brief moments were shot on 8mm film and shows Charlie Chaplin self-promoting the movie "The Kid" -- the one which brought him into the limelight and International fame. The parade took place in Switzerland, circa 1932. We assume it was that year based on the date hand-written on the film canister, even though he released the film in 1921. This must have been how he started to endear himself to the Swiss people, long before he made his final move there to the US.

Apparently, Charlie Chaplin was know to self-promote his movie by "dressing up" in his iconic Tramp outfit then joining parades. Seemingly, the parade had other characters from other motion pictures but nothing that I could definitively recognize.

In this clip, do you notice how Mr. Chaplin is using a whistle in order to draw attention to himself? We think it's a brilliant way to draw eyes toward him!

To explore more about Charlie Chaplin and his Swiss connection, please visit this page.

Use of clip with expressed written consent from Phil Hugly --  filmed by Lina Studer nee Dubois. All Rights Reserved.

Gros plans en Super-8

Voyez la Mère Nature, qui brille de mille feux, dans ces belles images !

Le travail de caméra de ces deux clips est exceptionnel.

Merci, M. Commons, de nous avoir permis de les utiliser comme exemple de transfert sur notre site Web.


Clip gracieusement offert par M. Spencer Commons, avec son consentement écrit -- Tous droits réservés.

Charlie Chaplin Promoting "THE KID"

While all cherished footage that we have ever transferred is an honor to us, here at FilmFix, this is the most treasured footage we have ever digitized.

It's short but very sweet, and it proves that each second of every reel is being monitored, while we preserve our customers' precious memories.

These brief moments were shot on 8mm film and shows Charlie Chaplin self-promoting the movie "The Kid" -- the one which brought him into the limelight and International fame. The parade took place in Switzerland, circa 1932. We assume it was that year based on the date hand-written on the film canister, even though he released the film in 1921. This must have been how he started to endear himself to the Swiss people, long before he made his final move there to the US.

Apparently, Charlie Chaplin was know to self-promote his movie by "dressing up" in his iconic Tramp outfit then joining parades. Seemingly, the parade had other characters from other motion pictures but nothing that I could definitively recognize.

In this clip, do you notice how Mr. Chaplin is using a whistle in order to draw attention to himself? We think it's a brilliant way to draw eyes toward him!

To explore more about Charlie Chaplin and his Swiss connection, please visit this page.

Use of clip with expressed written consent from Phil Hugly --  filmed by Lina Studer nee Dubois. All Rights Reserved.

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